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Fascination Cologne Cathedral
Fascination Cologne Cathedral
Fascination Cologne Cathedral
Fascination Cologne Cathedral
Fascination Cologne Cathedral
Fascination Cologne Cathedral

Film about the cathedral - only at the DOMFORUM

Fascination Cologne Cathedral

The most important information in twenty minutes

The twenty-minute film compactly presents the history of the cathedral from the previous buildings to the present. With the help of spectacular drone and time-lapse images, not only the art-historical significance but also the spiritual dimension of the well-known UNESCO World Heritage Site is revealed. The film is musically accompanied by organ improvisations recorded especially for the film by the cathedral organist Prof. Dr. Winfried Bönig.

The cathedral film can be seen exclusively in the DOMFORUM cinema.

Video Platzhalter neutral

Compact – Find out the most important things about Cologne Cathedral in just 20 minutes.

Exciting – See surprising perspectives and details.

Touching – Let the deeper meaning of this overwhelming building sink in.

Informationen about the Film

  • Length: approx. 20 minutes
  • Tickets are available via the online shop (select the desired date below) or directly on site in the foyer of the DOMFORUM.
  • Groups of 10 or more people can request additional timeslots - by email to fuehrung@domforum.de.
  • Possible languages: German, English and French
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Ticket Prices

adults 3,00 €**


2,00 €**

*pupils, university students and trainees

** including a donation of € 1 for the preservation of Cologne Cathedral  

Questions & Information

E-Mail: fuehrung@domforum.de

or Phone: 0221 / 925 847 - 30


Telephone hours

Mo - Thu: 10.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 15.00

Fr: 10.00 - 12.00